3-Week Sprint Launch: Discover your target customers
Our Community Sprint events are project-based challenges that can be done with fellow beta collective members. If you have been putting off building your company, we hope initiatives like this will help you jump-start the process. We essentially want to help you all build businesses we did say we wanted to make an economic impact after all!
This is a 3-week sprint focused on customer discovery. It begins 1t 9 AM (Central) on the 31st of May, 2021, and ends with a closing ceremony at 12 PM on the 18th of June.
Customer discovery is a necessary prerequisite to building a minimum viable product (MVP). I mean you don’t want to build a product no one wants right?!
We will provide tools via notion and our discord channels and weekly inspiration to keep you on track. At the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to share your findings with fellow participants and learn how to chart a course for the next segment which is creating your minimum viable product. (MVP)